Digital Detox around the Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen

In the office, at dinner, in bed: the smartphone accompanies our everyday lives nearly all day long. And even on holiday we don't like to put it down: a social media post from the summit, a quick check of the route and nothing works without our favourite playlist in our ears anyway. More and more people are deciding to turn their backs on their digital companions for a certain period of time. Digital Detox. But what is behind this megatrend? Why can being offline do so much good? And what opportunities do we create at Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen for your digital timeout?


"I'll be offline for a while.”

The term 'Digital Detox' means taking a conscious digital time-out, where the user puts away their mobile phones, laptops and similar devices. It could be for a few hours, several days, or even a few months. The intention behind it is as simple as it is challenging: relinquishing your devices as a radical way to leave digital stress behind and to engage more consciously with what's going on around you.

During this kind of time-out, many people spend the time they've 'won' back doing sports, in nature and with family or friends. However, it's especially important to regenerate not only the body but also the mind. After all, it’s the brain at full speed every day to process the constant overflow of information. When the digital distractions suddenly disappear, we automatically refocus our attention on the things we have often learned to ignore.

Birds chirping instead of phones beeping.

What may feel like going cold turkey at first is all the more beneficial for your mental health. Because a conscious digital break can definitely help to strengthen your mental resilience, help you draw new strength and increase your creativity.


So what do you think about switching the digital world off for a while? Swap the constant beeping of the smartphone for the gentle chirping of birds? And instead of watching a Netflix series in the evening, you'd rather look up at the starry sky? In the midst of the rolling Nockberge mountains and far away from the constant digital noise, we help you get away from it all. Below we've summarised a few tips for you on how you can create your own personal time-out around the Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen:


1. Pure relaxation.

The soothing fragrance of the herbal sauna, a gentle pampering massage and a delightfully warm thermal bath… Especially now that the days are getting shorter and colder, a visit to the Thermal Römerbad is like a balm for body and soul. And it's no wonder, because at the spa you relax your muscles and nervous system at the same time and, in doing so, increase your physical and emotional well-being.

Tip: As part of the Wellness Weeks at the Thermal Römerbad, you benefit from daily changing offers. Brain fog? Then off you go to the steam bath. Stressed? Go get yourself a massage. Fancy just taking a dip? The soothing thermal waters are waiting for you to dive right in.


2. Finding balance.

The Bad Kleinkirchheimer Mountain Yoga Trail also promises quality offline time. From May to the beginning of November, the Biosphärenparkbahn Brunnach takes you up to 2,000m above sea level. In the midst of the breath-taking nature of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Carinthian Nockberge, the circular trail leads you through ten different stations. Draw on the power of the forest to channel new energy, rediscover your inner balance or mindfully engage with your surroundings.

3. Phone away, nature hooray.

The gentle breeze rustling through the trees, the fragrance of the damp forest floor underfoot and the colourful variety of colours on the way to the mountain top – a hike through the nature of the Carinthian Nockberge refreshes both body and mind on all levels. Exercising in the clear mountain air has a particularly beneficial effect on your well-being and reduces stress hormones. Whether it's a leisurely stroll or a challenging summit hike – the Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen will take you comfortably and safely to the various mountain peaks from May to the beginning of November. And the picturesque panorama is calling you to take a deep breath and enjoy.

By the way: We are located directly on the Alpe Adria Trail and the Nockberge Trail. Two beautiful long-distance hiking trails with sections for every hiking level.


Important! Digital Detox or not: safety comes first! In case of emergency, you should always have your mobile with you and ready to hand on the mountain. At the end of the day, your digital pal can be a lifesaver if you find yourself in an accident.


4. Feel nature, taste nature.

"Simply switch off" is also the motto at the Auszeithof Hinteregger in Bad Kleinkirchheim. The various activities relating to the animal and plant world in the forest and meadow offer a wonderful opportunity to get in tune with yourself and your surroundings. And a little luxury is necessary when you take time out for your body and soul! Experience the nature of our Nockberge mountains with all your senses and let yourself be spoilt with the culinary delicacies of the regions restaurants. Freshly prepared with natural ingredients from the region. The taste of Carinthia.

A call to self-experimentation.

As you can see, Digital Detox is not about demonising the digital world. Rather, the aim is to raise awareness about how important it is to use smartphones and other devices responsibly. A kickstart, so to speak, for questioning your habits and breaking through ingrained everyday routines. Because unfortunately even spending a few days without your mobile is no miracle cure.


We've summarised a few tips on how you can add a few Digital Detox moments into your everyday life below:


  1. Leave your smartphone at home.
    Even if it feels strange at first: go to the supermarket with a handwritten shopping list or visit a café without taking a picture of your cappuccino.
  2. Designate smartphone-free spaces.
    Turn your own four walls into a quiet zone by banning your mobile phone from the bedroom, for example. Can't do without the alarm clock on your smartphone? Then it's worth investing in a regular old-fashioned alarm clock.
  3. Switch notifications off.
    You don't always have to answer your messages right away. So think about which notifications are really important and which ones take up more of your time or even annoy you.
  4. Monitor your digital behaviour.
    Do you know how much time you spend on your mobile or laptop? Most devices have a function to display screen time or even set limits for certain apps.
  5. Just take a deep breath.
    Taking a walk in the fresh air, without music or google maps, is not only good for your sense of direction, but also for your general well-being.
  6. Make time for more self-care.
    Self-care can mean different things to different people, but the rituals always have one thing in common: they help us to slow down, find inner peace and manifest new habits. One way to become aware of your surroundings is to meditate. We have summarised a few tips for getting started in the following graphic.

Are you ready to take yourself offline for a few minutes? Then we look forward to supporting you with the offers from Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen during your digital time-out.