What type of hiker are you? Introducing 9 types you might know...

Homage to the diversity of mountain hikers.


The Nockberge Mountains around the Bad Kleinkirchheimer Bergbahnen are a magnet for hiking enthusiasts from all over the world. And just as diverse as the landscape is the variety of hikers that tread its paths. From pleasure hikers to summiteers, the mountains provide for everyone. For this blog article, we’ve taken a good look around and scouted out nine typical hikers. Let’s take a look at their funny quirks and keep an eye out for our own kind – just remember to not take things too seriously. Maybe you’ll spot yourself in this list or come across a few of them the next time you’re out and about.


*Note: For your ease of reading, we’ve decided to use a gender-neutral form of expression that definitely includes all genders.


1. The pleasure hiker.

To say “the journey is the reward” couldn’t be truer for any other type of hiker. Rather than pushing their heart rate, they take their time to marvel at the beauty of nature. They lie down on a bed of alpine roses, gaze into the distance and delight in being right there in the here and now. They’re the epitome of the mindful hiker and the "Feldpannalm circuit" is the perfect hiking route for them.

2. The nature photographer.

Kitted out with their camera and an eye for beauty, they take to the mountains on a mission to get that perfect picture. Every moment they spend in nature could provide that once-in-a-lifetime setting for their masterpiece. They wait patiently for the lighting to be just right or the perfect scenery to reveal itself for that ideal photo. Nothing escapes their lens – their focus is spot-on when it comes to the most picturesque moments on the hike.

3. The summiteer.

Higher, faster, further! These hikers have one goal – the summit! They love the challenge of steep climbs and narrow ridges. That sublime feeling of seeing the world from above is what drives them. Functional clothing and high-tech gear are their indispensable companions when they set out on another adventure. Their fuel? Energy bars. Their reward? Summiting - such as on the hiking route "5-Summit-Tour".

4. The family hiker.

The mountains are their entire world. And so is their family. For them, going on a hike is a proper family adventure. They focus on play and fun when they set out to discover the mountains with everybody in tow. Children’s laughter and seeing their children fall in love with nature are what makes these outings special for them. And what do they get from it? Little figures made of stone along the paths and a host of wonderful memories.

5. The wildlife enthusiast.

It’s the animals they want to meet along the way. Be it dogs, cows or sheep – they love watching the animals that call the mountains their home and seeing them up close. Their hiking boots can take a cow pat or two and they’re sure to have some dog treats handy. The David Attenboroughs of this world are their inspiration. With their great powers of observation, they could spend hours in the species-rich surroundings of the Nockberge Mountains..

6. The gourmet hiker.

What they’re looking for first and foremost is a culinary adventure. They plan their hikes specifically to incorporate the best mountain lodges and restaurants where they plan to indulge in regional specialities. Their mountain adventure happens on their dinner plate. The gourmet hiker’s happy place is where they get to sit down in the sun to admire the unrivalled mountain landscape with a glass of good wine.

7. The chatty hiker.

They’re on first-name terms by the time they’ve made it to 1,000 metres. And that suits them just fine, because what they love most about hiking is the chance to meet new people. Need to know who owns any of the local mountain huts? Not a problem, they can tell you and they’re always up for a chat. They know all the local gossip and are a fountain of knowledge when it comes to the region. The many stories they can tell you about what goes on make them entertaining people to meet along the way.

8. The nostalgic hiker.

The nostalgic hiker is a living reminder of times gone by. You’ll remember seeing people who looked similar on black-and-white postcards: they’re hikers through and through in their chequered shirt and leather trousers, leather hiking boots and walking stick – always accompanied by their faithful hunting dog. They carry with them a touch of nostalgia – almost as if time had stood still. For them, the mountains aren’t just a landscape, but rather their home and identity. Their favourite reads are maps and they can name all the alpine flowers.

9. The athletic hiker.

For him, hiking and mountain running are high-performance training and the mountains are his outdoor gym. The athletic hiker plans his route down to the smallest detail and is always on the lookout for new challenges – never losing sight of their sports watch for their altimeter. For him, metres in altitude are calorie killers - he doesn't let leisurely hikers stop him, he simply takes over. Kitted out with the latest functional clothing and best running shoes the market has to offer, he speeds along the mountain paths and up to the summits.

Which one of them would you most like to head out with? Are you looking for the solitude of the mountains or new challenges? Are you more of a pleasure hiker or a summiteer? Or could you be a yet-uncharted type of hiker?


No matter, the good news is that everyone can enjoy the mountains just the way they like it – just as long as they’re respectful of nature and its people and animals. As they say – what goes around, comes around. And the same is true for the mountains. You’ll always get back what you put in.